Thursday, August 16, 2007

Update on My Baby in Basic

My daughter graduated High School last June and shipped to Basic training on 2 July. As her father I remain pleased with her graduation and applaud her choice to go into the Army in the footsteps of her Father. I know the risks of deployment for her with her unit and accept that she knows I will worry about her no matter what course she takes.

To those that have inquired – she is doing well, having mastered the routine and come to grips with the Drill Sergeants and the regimen. My daughter was a typical American girl – she no doubt misses the mall, TV and freedom for the moment. Her biggest dream at the moment is sleep, some candy (seems that is very restricted in the first couple weeks) and to come home. She comments on how the battle buddy concept works and the team building that goes on. It seems she is being transformed from individual centric into a team member.

She has also noted the development of muscle, strength and endurance… it seems the individual is getting improved as well in a whole spirit and body manner that has to be experienced to be known. She isn’t being brainwashed, I assure you, just accepting that she can maintain some individuality and be a better team member.

Finally there has been an evolving sense of anticipation that she is serving her country. A calling that she heard as a whisper when she signed up, but has come to hear in greater volume since starting down the path as a Army Reserve Soldier. I am still so proud of the service I was privileged to provide and am gratified that the process works to this day to transform young people into soldiers.


Anonymous said...

As a random civilian, tell her thank you for me. We appreciate you, her, and all who have or will serve so much.

Unknown said...

Spread the word on your blog! Buy a copy! Support our troops!

A U.S. soldier recommended for the medal of honor has written a book at the war in Iraq. It is a first-hand account of the 2004 Battle of Fallujah. The American soldiers eventually won the block-by-block battle, but the cost was great. David Bellavia conveys
the intense experiences of combat, and presents well-drawn portraits of his fellow soldiers, as he captures their heroism and sacrifice.

I hear this book is even better than Blackhawk Down!

You can order it now:

"House To House" David Bellavia