Monday, March 03, 2008

Installation Services for EAP

Recently the small Army Installation where I work sent out a missive in front of a Army inspection (often the inspection process causes information to flow as no other time it seems) concerning the installation's Employee Assistance Program. I learned that EAP is a is a comprehensive program designed to address problems that can adversely affect job performance, reliability, and personal health issues. The program can also address substance abuse and addiction related issues for drugs/alcohol. The program is confidential ,f you choose to use the short-term counseling service, no one will know you are using the service unless you tell him or her.

I noted the attention given to this program with its potential assistance for former combat zone veteran's like myself remains pretty buried in the menu of support this installation gives its community. I recieved countless notes related to golf club, Restaurant and other Installation agencies, but only once in 4 years any information that a EAP was even here.

I guess its a indicator of the greater stigma that surrounds PTSD, soldier and civilian employee mental health that keeps such programs in the background. The Army has done much to work the issues that restricted access to mental health resources with the Wounded Warrior program. We can do more for Military and Civilians alike - sometimes, as in this case, we already have programs for in installations. Maybe we should endeavor to push those services a little harder in the Army Community.

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