Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Interesting Photos of Army Reserve

Ran across this interesting picture show from Time Magazine that covers the 100 Years of the Army Reserve. The 16 pictures provided are a very brief look into the history of the Reserves.

From my own perspective is the stuff inbetween the pictures… the years of less than adequate funding and few training resources that were somehow overcome in our nation’s moment of need to provide the Ready force we have today. There are lots of unsung Reserve soldiers that toiled for years in unappreciated efforts to get the Army Reserve to where it is today.

Here is the site – take a look – its worth the time

Also found at Time’s site is an interesting piece on how one town copes with PTSD… It’s a bit of a anti-war, crazed soldiers fluffery, but it does communicate the potential issues soldiers face and the trials their families endure. Also worth reading here

And to everyone of my readers (or the one reader)... have a happy Thanksgiving - heres hoping your chow is not a turkey menu MRE and you have pause to be thankful for something out there.

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